Easyling Release Notes - 2016 February
This post has not been updated in a long time. The information may be out of date.
2016 is a leap year, meaning this month, we had one extra day to bring you new features and powers in the proxy. And did we ever put it to good use! Dropbox integration has left beta, we’ve developed a gateway to proxy our proxy, translation memories can now be populated for selected target languages instead of all at once, Link headers are now permitted in the interest of easier SEO efforts, and the link mapper can be set to a more permissive behaviour to accommodate more diverse inputs. See the full details after the jump!
Dropbox integration
We’ve had Dropbox integration in private Beta for a time now, but UI was not ready for final deployment. This has now changed, and Easyling was given an entirely new menu for Integrations (yes, plural - more are in the works), where you can link your Dropbox accounts to an Easyling user account, and from there, to the project in question. Once a Dropbox account is added to the project, a new folder structure is created in your account with the root folder you specified and the project code inside it, while the Export dialog becomes able to push data into these new folders. Every export you transmit to Dropbox becomes available in the export folder of the project, while the accompanying import folder is watched for new files. If any new files are detected, you are given an email notification, and the option to import those new files. Even disregarding the email notification, the Import dialog as been given a facelift, becoming an enhanced, tabbed version of its old self: one tab allows you to upload na XLIFF or ZIP as before, while the other gives you the contents of the import folder for the given project, and lets you select which files you want imported (for the sake of convenience, those files that were uploaded after the latest Dropbox import concluded are already selected for you), and start the import process as usual.
[caption id=“attachment_2780” align=“aligncenter” width=“971”]
Add our Dropbox integration app to your account to allow access, then link your account to the project to allow import-export operations directly on your Dropbox account.[/caption]
Proxy Gateway (BETA)
Previously, we’ve had a repeated problem with strict WAF solutions, that required fixed IP address (couldn’t filter based on headers). As Google’s URLFetch uses a wide range of IP addresses, we had to go further. Though the feature is only available on individual request as of now, we can give you a dedicated IP-address that your client can whitelist. Once whitelisted, we help you by inserting the gateway into the project, at which point all proxy requests (both page views and crawler requests) are routed through that gateway, giving what is essentially a single point-of-origin that can be trusted with access to the site.
hreflang Link header proxying
Many websites serve users from around the world with content translated or targeted to users in a certain region. Google uses the rel=“alternate” hreflang=“x” attributes to serve the correct language or regional URL in Search results. There are a few ways to give this information to bots, but the most common is the use of elements in the page
section. The second most common alternative is to move this information into an HTTP header that is sent to the requester. We now proxy the Link headers on pages as well, to make sure that the appropriate SEO scores are applied to the translated sites as well as the original. Click to read more on using hreflang for language and regional URLs from Google or from moz.comSelective TM population
While we’ve had translation memory handling for some time, including populating an Easyling TM from the current project’s translations, this population action always used all the languages present on the project, whether they were available on the TM or not (in the latter case, the entry was simply discarded). With this latest modification, Easyling gives you a choice before initiating the population. There, all the languages of the project and the TM are taken into account, and their intersection is presented as the set of languages for which translations will be imported into the TM. You can alter this set before population by removing languages , but not by adding them (if a language is not present here initially, it is not added to the project, and so there are no translations for it, or not added to the TM, so it cannot be stored there). As usual, you will receive an email notification when the population completes, after which you can either export the TM for use offline or attach it to another project to transfer translations.
[caption id=“attachment_2779” align=“aligncenter” width=“972”]
You can now select which languages you want to populate the TM for. By default, you are offered the intersection of the project languages and the TM languages, but you can remove from that set at will.[/caption]
How can we assist you?
We are happy to help with your questions and concerns about your website localization project.
Book a 30-minutes consultancy meeting with our experts and ask your questions!