Release notes

Easyling Release Notes January, 2023

January has been a month of behind-the-scenes preparation and bug-fixing. I’m not supposed to tell you yet, but rest assured we’re working on some very cool stuff. The two main highlights for this month are additional information on the state of crawls and support for the srcset attribute in the JavaScript translation engine. Read the full article for the details!

Easyling Release Notes December, 2022

Happy holidays and New Year! This month was that of rest and family time for our team. As such, our release notes will be a bit thinner than usual. The key highlight is that we improved the way we handle source and target languages when auto pre-translating via Cloud Translation Advanced. Read the full article for the details!

Easyling Release Notes November, 2022

November was a month of smaller tweaks, improvements, and bugfixes. The good news is that there was a bunch of them. My favourite is that code completion is now available in the JS and CSS editors. Just press Ctrl + Space! We also added a default usage alarms for new projects. Read the full article for the details.

Easyling Release Notes October, 2022

Spooktober had surprisingly few spooky memes this year. Unfortunately, the number of feature releases we had this month is rather similar to that statistic. Don’t worry though, we improved the invite section and the experience of white label users as well as adding a couple of fixes. Read the full article for the details!

Easyling Release Notes September, 2022

Last month was mostly dedicated to fixing smaller bugs that popped up. However, we still managed to release two cool features. JavaScript publishing gathers all the options related to JavaScript publishing to one place, so that you don’t need to go to multiple pages just to dial in the correct settings. Additionally, when you have multiple JavaScript exports under Previous exports, you can publish them all with just one click. Read the details after the jump!

Easyling Release Notes August, 2022

August looks like our most productive month since I took on writing the release notes. We released features to improve the compatibility of Easyling with more websites, such as Page rendering crawls, features for JavaScript publishing, like Pseudo translation for Crebbl that allows you to double-check compatibility and Dictionary cache for Crest that accelerates the translation process. Finally, we added support for Google’s Cloud Translation Advanced engine with Glossary support and a few of quality of life improvements to the Dashboard. If that hasn’t convinced you to Read the full article, I doubt anything will.

Easyling Release Notes July, 2022

Another month, another 4 releases. This month has three major highlights: We improved on Auto Pre-Translate, Crawls can now be started based on the settings of a previous crawl and the JavaScript translation engine got improved compatibility. This is a good one. Read the full article for the details!