Release notes

Easyling Release Notes - 2015 April

As you may have already read, we moved offices: let’s face it, we’ve outgrown our previous shell. But the move or the day spent assembling our new furniture didn’t do much to hold us back, so we could keep working on newer and newer features for Easyling to make your lives easier. Maybe the most important of these is the Import Log, helping you see if your XLIFF import encountered any errors.

Easyling Release Notes - 2015 March

March passed without much in the way of March Madness, so we had plenty of time to add newer and newer features to Easyling to ease your life and work. One such feature is the ability to create reports on work packages present in Easyling. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg: while we do not replace whitespaces at the end of segments, we do give you a warning if there’s a difference between the source and the target.

Easyling Release Notes - 2015 February

With the second month of the year passed, we can already tell we’re looking at a busy year: we have two new teammates, and a few little goodies to ease your translation work. Now you can mark XMLs as translatable even after having been added to the resources, add custom request headers to the crawler’s requests, see the date an entry was added to the project, pre-translate multiple languages in one go, we have a new JSON path tester/analyzer, and the ability to highlight search terms in the Workbench.

Easyling Release Notes - 2015 January

The new year rolled around in Budapest with champagne and fireworks, and so we returned to work from our end-of-year holidays, refreshed, and ready to bring you a plethora of new features and powers for Easyling. We have rolled out the ability to hold back segments from being published automatically to the live site, enhanced our JavaScript translation abilities, and we rolled out many new settings, tools, and tweaks into our Advanced Settings menu.

Easyling Release Notes - 2014 December

Christmas came and went, and with it, brought us many new and exciting features. Easyling can now preserve whitespaces in translations, letting users insert line breaks; Work Package generation can be restricted to certain paths and pages, in addition to the exclusion rules; we can now create Excel exports of the resources and pages lists (if there are so many of them that it would break your browser’s back); and uploaded Translation Memories can be searched, to see if they contain the proper content.

Easyling Release Notes - 2014 November

With the cold of November upon us, Easyling’s development slowed down somewhat, but we managed to churn out some interesting new features for our users. One of these is the new “Customer” role, enabling your customer to manage the segments by selecting what needs to be translated, another is the ability to restrict viewing of the proxied site using a username/password combination, and the ability to batch XLIFF uploads. See more after the jump!

Easyling Release Notes - 2014 October

October passed without much development on the interface front, the month was spent mostly on preparing the groundwork for a host of new features to materialize in November. However, we still managed to upgrade the Workbench to enable operations en masse, rework our work package generation interface, and we created a tool to query the status of the caches page-by-page. You can find a more detailed explanation after the break.