Release notes

Easyling Release Notes - 2017 April

April saw few new features, but those few were quite important. As Microsoft shuttered the Data Market and Bing Translator, we migrated our code to support its successor Microsoft Translate API. Also, we rolled out a new project feature that lets us handle new HTTP methods (such as DELETE or OPTIONS) where needed and previously unavailable. See the full details after the jump! Microsoft Translate API Integration Microsoft has long publicized its decision to shut down the Data Market service and with it, its Bing Translator API.

Easyling Release Notes - 2017 March

As March Madness comes to an end, so does another iteration of the Proxy’s development. We have rolled out some new features, squashed a few bugs, and in general, made setting up new projects a bit more comprehensive with our Complexity Matrix feature. See the full details after the jump! Complexity Matrix Maybe the biggest feature we have in March is the Complexity Matrix. This is the first vestige of the new Dashboard II, featuring new visuals (based in Google’s Material Design guidelines), brand new technology (Angular 2.

Easyling Release Notes - 2017 February

As we move into February, we’re picking up pace as we add new features and powers to the Translation Proxy. Among these new features is the paged dictionary cache that has the potential to speed up page serving as well as crawling in certain circumstances (more on that in the details), the full rollout of our new translation pipeline, integration with MemoQWeb, and a brand new Work Package Generation UI. See the full details after the jump!

Easyling Release Notes - 2017 January

January meant an eventful launch to the year for us, which resulted in quite a few new features to the proxy that you can use to cater to even more customer. We have added enhanced compatibility with major CDN providers to pass metadata on the originating user, we have added the ability to define a Live Staging domain, and the Dropbox notification email has been enhanced to show you the changed files.

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 November

November started off with our Halloween special (did you check the browser icon?), and carried with it several new enhancements to the Proxy’s processing ability. The Translation Proxy can now handle stringified JavaScript in other JSONs, we’ve reworded the crawl log attached to the emails, the Remote Cache can now be set to store images as well, and DELETE methods can be used through the proxy (with some caveats). See the full details after the jump!

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 October

October has been a bit of housekeeping month, seeing the culmination of several features that have been in development for some time. This includes a new translator pipeline, an indicator to alert you if the Dashboard requires reloading, and a new support tab on the Dashboard. Get the details for each after the jump! New Translator Pipe In October, we have implemented a fully rewritten translator pipeline. The new system, while still in the preview phase, is much faster and more extensible, able to process wildly different types of content within the same request.

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 September

With September came the new school year in Budapest, and with that, the Proxy returned to school to gain new and enhanced capabilities. Among the new features in September are the progress follower UI providing real-time feedback from long-running tasks, the ability to expel historic untranslated content from a project, and a number of invisible-but-important backend enhancements. See the full details after the jump! Progress Follower One common gripe about the Dashboard in the past was that users had no way of knowing if a long-running process was still executing in the background.