Easyling Release Notes April, 2023

Happy Star Wars day, May the Fourth Be With You! This month, we focused on new features. The majority of them are for Crest, the JavaScript-based publishing method. Read the full article for the details.

Crest improvements

The key focus was on the way the target language is set. The dropdown language selector is now supported for Crest as well as for Translation Proxy. This gives site owners more options to customise the look and feel of the website. Additionally, the given target language can now be selected based on path prefix. For example, when example.com/fr/ is loaded, French can be automatically selected. Finally, for complete customisation, passive mode can be enabled. In this mode, the translator script won’t show a language selector, and it won’t remember language choice either. Use this option when complete control is required.

Note that these aren’t completely finalised yet, so they aren’t yet available on the Dashboard. If you want to give them a try, please drop us a line at support@easyling.com.

Import upgrade

If tags in segments are placed incorrectly in a given segment, that segment can’t be imported. The system can now gather such segments and export them to a separate XLIFF for you to review. This can be used, for example, when a custom machine translation engine is used through XLIFF imports and exports. MT engines will inevitably make mistakes, and they tend to do so more often than humans. With these exports, you can review the segments where the MT engine’s quality is obviously bad. If the tags couldn’t be placed correctly, what are the chances of the rest of the translation being correct? It’s definitely worth double-checking.

How can we assist you?

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