Easyling Release Notes - 2014 October

This post has not been updated in a long time. The information may be out of date.

October passed without much development on the interface front, the month was spent mostly on preparing the groundwork for a host of new features to materialize in November. However, we still managed to upgrade the Workbench to enable operations en masse, rework our work package generation interface, and we created a tool to query the status of the caches page-by-page. You can find a more detailed explanation after the break.

We’ve added a new feature to our Workbench: the ability to execute operations on multiple segments at once, even on all the segments simultaneously. This takes the place of the former Mass Confirm button, which now opens the Bulk Actions dialog, which allows the you to exclude segments en masse, as well as confirm or unconfirm them all at once. You can limit the scope of the operation using the checkboxes on the left edge of the List View (if no segments are selected, the operation defaults to including all segments on the page).

We’ve also carried out a rework of our Work Packages interface. The new interface displays each Work Package separately, as a collapsible list, with each language separately a level below. Finally, one level below, you can find the individual exports (the actual XLIFF files) that you can regenerate individually for export. Besides each language, as well as the individual XLIFFs, you’ll find the relevant word counts as well as a progress bar displaying the current progress of the translation process, so you can track your translations as you need.

Finally, you’l notice a new button on the Pages list, titled Cache. Clicking this button pops up a small dialog detailing the current status of the page in the project’s caches. If any of the caches (BinaryKeep, or Source) are enabled, they’ll be displayed here, along with the currently served cached content’s creation date, and in the case of the Keep Cache, the currently translated percentage. The dialog also allows you to selectively erase pages from the cache (rather than the overkill method of clearing the whole cache altogether just to re-cache one page).

Besides these, a number of enhancements were made to our backend, laying the foundation for a host of larger, more sweeping features to come in November.

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