per Language


up to 10,000 words*

no setup fee
29 USD/month


up to 50,000 words*

299 USD setup fee
69 USD/month


up to 100,000 words*

799 USD setup fee
99 USD/month


up to 150,000 words*

1,190 USD setup fee
129 USD/month


up to 250,000 words*

2,390 setup fee
179 USD/month

Unlimited pageview. No team size limitation. Free Machine Translation. Project setup by Easyling experts.
Dedicated support for ExtraLarge and Enterprise plans.

*Easyling translates repeating content for free, which could save 50-80% of the cost compared to the total word count.


Translation Proxy

for improved UX
+249 USD/month
per language

Site Search

in translated content
+99 USD/month
per language

SEO setup

CDN as Reverse Proxy
one-time 199 USD
per language

Layout Adjustment

enable culturalization
one-time 990 USD
per selected language

Extended Support

get dedicated service with SLAs
see our offerings

Get a Word Count or Quote
for a website translation project

Get a quote


Plans are based on the number of unique translatable source words on your website.

If you know the number you can choose your plan, otherwise you can get a quote from us.

Growing and updating your site means you add more / new translatable words to your project. Once the cumulative number of unique translatable words exceeds the limit of your current plan, the project will be upgraded to the next level of plan.

The setup fee difference will be billed upfront (because that includes the fee of extracting and storing more words) and the monthly fee will be billed according to the upgraded plan level starting that day on.

Plan fees cover the setup and serving of the translation of your 1 domain for 1 language.

When you add another target language to your website, you need to pay the additional setup fe and subscription fee to cover that.

When you add another domain or subdomain you also need to pay the setup fee and subscription fee for that addition.

Our 10+ years of experience in website translation projects shows that there are plenty of questions that need to be taken care of before starting a website translation project.

Dealing with each and every technical question in the proper phase of the project can save you a lot of time, work and money.

Now you can leverage our Professional Service experts' knowledge through consultancy and assessment to set up the project properly upfront and it is covered by the plans’ setup fee.

Based on hundreds of website translation project setup and maintenance experiences, we know that there is a significant change in complexity by the number of words. Usually, product catalogs or e-commerce sites have a high volume of words, which are also typically more complex projects that require deeper knowledge, more coordination and fine-tuning, so the setup fee is not gradually increasing.

Get a quote! Our experts will ask a few questions regarding your needs and provide you with detailed word count statistics and cost estimates for your website.

Yes, you can choose the one that fits your needs.

The prices shown do not include VAT. For EU companies without a valid EU VAT number, VAT will be added.