
Easyling Changelog - v391

New features: 225 feature backend translation of HTML inside JavaScript inside HTML code in a parsed format made possible Fixes: 226 fix backend DataStore-based snippet caching disabled 224 fix dashboard Publish Website checks verification codes on naked domain changes again 227 fix backend fix possible NPE on syntactically invalid JavaScript

Easyling Changelog - v390

New features: 220 feature backend [@process] annotation on html switch enables regular expressions in plaintext-translated JSONs 219 feature backend JavaScript/JSON translation speed increased up to 20x 216 feature dashboard non-project domains replaced in work package generation on user prompt Fixes: 221 fix dashboard invalid JSON path settings are no longer called XPath

Easyling Changelog - v389

New features: 204 feature dashboard resources with the content-type text/plain can be translated as well (due to JavaScript detector) 209 feature backend JSON content recognition runs for content type text/plain as well 205 feature workbench Workbench now filters segments to show only those that are available in the preview 207 feature backend multiple source and binary caches can be added and assigned to different proxy modes (rollout phase I) 208 feature dashboard Page Content Overrides with accented characters accepted Fixes: 206 fix dashboard JSON-translation copy made more specific 211 fix miscellaneous multiple new tests for JavaScript content detection 214 fix backend cache-info null-checks implemented 203 fix dashboard zero credits balance no longer displays as a negative number

Easyling Changelog - v387

New features: 196 feature miscellaneous moved some tests to a fully static site 200 feature dashboard, backend Page Content Override now permits user-configured headers and response codes Fixes: 198 fix dashboard minor copy changes in Advanced Settings 199 fix dashboard "Detect JavaScript content type" renamed to "Detect JavaScript content type based on actual contents instead of headers" 197 fix dashboard fixed text-input in language dropdown. 190 fix dashboard "Additional local response headers"

Easyling Changelog - v384

New features: 178 feature backend, dashboard Drop-down language selector is now user-configurable 179 feature backend, dashboard Notification emails are sent if a project uses excessive (user-configured) resources Fixes: 181 fix Workbench loading spinner no longer appears over page dropdown if opened quickly 182 fix Workbench Workbench no longer attempts server-side search on unindexed projects

Easyling Changelog - v383

New features: 177 feature backend X-HTTP-Method-Override headers are now permitted Fixes: 176 fix Workbench Highlight View updates live when suggestions are used to populate translation

Easyling Changelog - v382

New features: 174 feature backend "Clear Translation" now sets the MISSING attribute on segments Fixes: 175 fix backend HTTP302 Location headers are mapped across linked projects 173 fix dashboard Select All cannot be triggered on an empty list

Easyling Changelog - v381

Fixes: 166 fix dashboard discovery's Add Pages dialog will no longer generate an error 167 fix dashboard scheduled crawl can now be set to manual for free users also. 169 fix dashboard Pre-Translate/APT dialogues' confirm checkbox can be clicked once more