
Easyling Changelog - v416

New features: 342 feature backend Crawl now skips HEAD requests, for faster crawling Fixes: 341 fix Dashboard Auto Pre-Translate dialog's "External TMS" checkbox no longer disabled

Easyling Changelog - v999

New features: 342 feature backend Crawl now skips HEAD requests, for faster crawling Fixes: 341 fix Dashboard Auto Pre-Translate dialog's "External TMS" checkbox no longer disabled

Easyling Changelog - v415

New features: 338 feature external Integration with 332 feature backend permit X-UA-Compatible headers 334 feature dashboard ".email" TLD is now permitted for invitations 331 feature backend handle "behavior" directives for IE 337 feature backend beta Dropbox integration Fixes: 329 fix dashboard change default Work Package split parameter to 2000 words, minor copy changes 330 fix Workbench History works again on XML entries (e.g. those drawn from HTML in JavaScript) 339 fix dashboard restrict labels to their rightful inputs 340 fix dashboard AJAX loading bar moved beneath fader