
Easyling Changelog - v431

New features: 416 feature Dashboard logo will lead to the last visited project 409 feature Dashboard UI for the Dropbox integration 412 feature Dashboard support question template added Fixes: 410 fix Payment spinner no longer leaves original text visible on "Review&Order" button 414 fix Dashboard project/wallet statistics export end dates no longer one day shorter 415 fix dashboard replace Catalonian flag 413 fix backend, testing add Dropbox to TMS unit tests

Easyling Changelog - v430

New features: 394 feature dashboard accept literal IPv4/IPv6 addresses as staging domains 405 feature backend, crawler crawl log more resistant to infrastructure problems 395 feature backend logs added with name of user and if the login with basic authentication was successful 403 feature backend, TMs ability to populate memories for specific languages (BETA) 404 feature backend ability to specify gateway for crawler/serving requests (BETA) Fixes: 401 fix Dashboard allow empty VAT numbers (but add on country-specific VAT) 393 fix login replace Google logo 387 fix Dashboard only show cache selector when applicable 397 fix Dashboard non-owners may no longer access the Discovery dialog 396 fix backend If creation time of source entry is missing, instead of throwing error, we just leave out that note out of the XLIFF export 400 fix backend, crawler improve robustness over extremely large crawls 402 fix backend more robust profiler framework

Easyling Changelog - v427

New features: 385 feature backend, Dropbox Dropbox queries batched for fewer emails 388 feature backend, caching ability to export source and target caches as ZIP archives (beta, no interface) 390 feature backend ability to store HTML classes in source entries, filter when creating WPGs and APT configurations (beta, no interface) 386 feature backend, XLIFF Add example pages in Work Package exports, add entry creation time 384 feature Dashboard, WPG only load 25 Work Packages, load 25 more on command Fixes: 389 fix backend, Dropbox Dropbox notifications queried in batches, one email per account (beta, no interface) 391 fix backend, Work Packages change default WPG slicing limit to 20,000 392 fix Dashboard fix cursoring problem on WPG screen

Easyling Changelog - v425

New features: 378 feature backend, testing new test decorators for better tracking 379 feature backend, crawl include a detailed log file with each crawl Fixes: 380 fix Dashboard, recurring crawl examine the state of recurring crawl data to determine if there is something scheduled 381 fix Dashboard, Sharing settings Advanced Project Managers can only assign languages they themselves have access to

Easyling Changelog - v423

New features: 373 feature dashboard subtree configuration UI 367 feature backend, caches negative globbing for serving source caches Fixes: 368 fix dashboard remove need for a reload after changing cache settings 369 fix backend, tests use internal server for crawl testing 371 fix dashboard shorten CSS to enable Safari 9 compatibility

Easyling Changelog - v422

New features: 361 feature Dashboard JSON path tester now accepts raw JSON data without prefix 360 feature Dashboard add cache selector to Add Pages dialog 358 feature workbench change direction button and insert non-printable character button introduced 242 feature Workbench index MT/TM events, provide instant feedback of translation source Fixes: 359 fix Dashboard source cache dialog opener at scan dialog 364 fix backend Dropbox notification email properly lists all new files 366 fix Backend resources added from a staging domain now translate properly.

Easyling Changelog - v420

New features: 354 feature dashboard [frontend for multicache feature]( 355 feature dashboard change footer to Easyling(TM)