
Easyling Changelog - v438

New features: 462 feature Dashboard display source segment when searching from TM 471 feature frontend Slim-view can now be accessed with OAuth2 access token. 469 feature Workbench only project owners (and backup owners) can run the translation clear function 468 feature Dashboard less ambiguous wording on APT config dialog

Easyling Changelog - v437

New features: 459 feature backend, exporter more detailed segment information in CSV exports 461 feature backend Client applications are now able to access Easyling (and so Slim-View) using OAuth2 authentication protocol

Easyling Changelog - v436

New features: 460 feature backend support for the srcset attribute 455 feature Dashboard ability to skip HEAD requests during crawl when the Content-Type is already known >

Easyling Changelog - v435

New features: 453 feature Dashboard, TMs ability to populate TM for selective languages 450 feature backend pass Link headers from server 448 feature backend, AppEngine new neutral email for requesting AppEngine tokens Fixes: 454 fix backend, tests more robust test for recursive JSON-in-JSON translation

Easyling Changelog - v434

New features: 447 feature backend, crawler more robust logging for query parameters 445 feature backend ability to proxy the Accept-language header (BETA) Fixes: 441 fix Dashboard hide Publish Website contents with error message if no target language exists 438 fix Dashboard threshold number interpreted correctly in Pre-Translate/APT dialogs 442 fix Dashboard minor layout tuning of Subpath Configuration UI 446 fix Dashboard memory population no longer shows an error (despite succeeding) if audit log entry failed to be created 429 fix Dashboard remove image artifact from Dashboard

Easyling Changelog - v432

New features: 424 feature backend, testing new test for permissive URI handling 422 feature backend, link-mapping more lenient handling of unconventional characters in URIs 417 feature Dashboard finer tracking of user activity on Dashboard Fixes: 418 fix Dashboard projects with absolute URLs will not throw an error on publishing 419 fix Dashboard, Cache Dialog backend reports state of Keep Cache setting correctly