Easyling Changelog - 1009
New features Fixes 2959 Dashboard Increased Strict-Transport-Security header max-age to one year.
New features Fixes 2959 Dashboard Increased Strict-Transport-Security header max-age to one year.
New features Fixes 2949 Dashboard Small fixes on notification and displaying state of crawls. If crawl is aborted because the wallet depleted, it is no longer shown with a green tick.
New features Fixes 2836 backend Fix error occurred on creating new projects.
New features 2823 Crest Generally available switch for the "manuallyStarted" feature. Fixes 2824 Dashboard Fixed error thrown when "Recrawl with same settings" feature was used on a scheduled crawl building snapshots. 2825 backend Extra checks in case of Sub-Directory Publishing to prevent the proxy to call itself when invalid URLs are called.
New features 2808 Dashboard Added bootstrap – a feature to accelerate JavaScript translation for large projects. Fixes 2809 Dashboard JSON path tester tool error handling in case of entered JavaScript is faulty.
New features Fixes 2801 Crest Fix handling of inclusion rules in translation loader.