
Easyling Changelog - 816

New features Fixes 2074 backend Eased on the security-related headers for those resources in the proxy's Dashboard / accessory resources, that are marked with "external access". 2072 CREST New enhancements to hinder translated texts leaking back as source content.

Easyling Changelog - 815

New features Fixes 2067 backend Fix of entries missing from XLIFF export when it was generated from a work package automatically after the work package generation was finished. 2062 backend Original query used to get all dictionary entries for a single page during work package generation resulted in a timeout for some projects, so querying in batches was introduced. 2040 backend Enhancement of security related headers on Login screen, Dashboard and WorkBench; at the moment these changes appears for a whitelabel if explicitly turned on.

Easyling Changelog - 814

New features 2053 Workbench Opening Workbench directly with a specific Work Package from the Dashboard. Bulk delete entries feature. Fix for the Search&Replace dialog, when trying to replace an expression with an empty target. Fixes

Easyling Changelog - 813

New features 2063 backend Content Connector related translations (TMX) are corrected, if "void elements" are marked as opening tags instead of self-closing. Fixes

Easyling Changelog - 812

New features 2057 CREST Versions to the CREST script is introduced so updates will go more smoothly. Fixes 2060 backend Error handling in exporting to Dropbox is enhanced, so now the program will retry the upload in case of certain minor errors. 2061 backend Generating Block IDs for Memory entries in case of Content Connector related processes, so translations for very similar sources won't constantly overrule each other even if Block IDs are missing from the .

Easyling Changelog - 811

New features 2054 Dashboard 2.0 Usage reports may now be created per target language. Fixes 2055 backend Fix of wrong value of "format" parameter in machine translation requests, which resulted in sending plain text content to translate to machine translator engines marked as HTML.

Easyling Changelog - 809

New features 2048 backend Enabled translation with tags for Google Translate (Basic). Also some enhancement for the translation with tags (better HTML tags used, re-location of tags is allowed). Fixes