
Easyling Changelog - 906

New features 2411 Language Selector Custom flags. Fixes 2447 Crest Re-translation of HTML attributes after modification. 2449 Crest Optimized attribute translation, hardened protection against backflow.

Easyling Changelog - 904

New features Fixes 2439 Crest Re-translation of changed HTML attributes. Excluding "contenteditable" elements from the translation process. 2438 Crest Improved handling of sources changing while new translations are being queried.

Easyling Changelog - 901

New features 2428 backend Page rendering may be enabled for Content Connector related crawls. Fixes 2423 Dashboard 2 Removed snapshot updating warning in case no snapshot is selected. 2421 Dashboard 2 Removed unnecessary Save buttons from the JavaScript Publishing page.

Easyling Changelog - 900

New features 2425 backend A few more items are added to the default ignore query parameter list: token, elementor-preview, ver, _gl Fixes 2422 backend Crawls now signal explicitly if an HTML page was not processed because its URL is out of the scope of the current project.

Easyling Changelog - 898

New features 2414 Crest Support of scrset HTML attributes. Fixes 2416 Dashboard APT configuration UI now allows one day (1440 minutes) as maximum value for the time window of waiting for new entries before a Work Package is generated.