Easyling Release Notes May, 2022

This post has not been updated in a long time. The information may be out of date.

There are lots of articles on the Internet talking about how productivity surges before the holiday season. I didn’t really believe them until today, when I gathered all the features we released into one document. With 7 releases, we released a total of 12 new features and 11 fixes. That may be a new record! The highlight must be the re-designed login user interface but the improvements to the project creation dialog and the auto pre-translate are also worth mentioning. Read the full article for the details!

New login interface

I’m sure all of you noticed the refreshed login design we added this month. The old design was originally created for the Dashboard 1.0, that we retired ages ago. The login screen was one of the last holdouts of that old design language. It now looks a lot more modern and incorporates our new logo. I hope you’ll find it more pleasing to use just like I do.

Screenshot of the new login interface

Specify target languages when creating a project

We found that the first thing we tend to do when creating a new project, alongside starting a Discovery, is adding a target language so that we can access the Preview and the x-proxy. I think it’s fair to assume that our support team isn’t alone in this. So, to facilitate this process, we added an option to specify the target language(s) directly in the project creation dialog.

Screenshot of the redesigned Create project dialog

Improved APT

Auto pre-translate is a feature commonly used on projects where bleedthrough should be avoided but Snapshots can’t be used. It supports extensive customisation options. As you may already know, it supports two filtering rules. The first rule specifies whether the new content should be Machine translated while the second one whether it should be included in the XLIFF export generated for post-editing. These rules used to support path prefixes. This month, we updated the editor to look like this:

Screenshot of the per-language partitioning options of the auto pre-translate dialog

You’ll notice that now, you can add these rules on a per-target-language specific. These options allow you much greater flexibility to specify exactly how APT should work. This way, more client requirements can be met and you may win more projects.

Snooze notifications in the Workbench

If you have a project where new content is continously being added, you may have found yourself in a situation where you wanted to fix some minor things in the Workbench. However, the segment list kept becoming out of date and you were faced with a dialog nagging you to update it. This probably slowed you down considerably. Well, I know for a fact it slowed at least one of you down as you reached out to us because of it. Thank you for the feedback, by the way. We addressed this by adding a new option to this dialog. You can now snooze these notifications for 1 or 3 hours. If it keeps popping up, snooze it and focus on your work!

Smaller features

These new features are interesting to check out but their impact isn’t as huge as the others above.

  • Enhanced Send to Pages: When processing JavaScript or JSON content, a common scenario is when a resource is moved to Pages but then you realise that there are a ton of similar resources. This is exactly what Send to Pages is for. However, this setting isn’t retroactive. Up until now, you had to manually move them one-by-one. We added a button that does it automagically for you.
  • Redesigned OAuth2 page: Similarly to the login screen, this was a holdout piece of the user interface using the old Dashboard’s design language. We updated it to match the aesthetic of the current Dashboard.
  • Audit log for finished imports: We’ve received reports of emails confirming the end of an import process being blocked by the firewall of some email providers. The problem with that is that this way, the link to the import log is lost. To fix that, we added an entry to the Audit log letting you know that the import process finished. It also contains the import log.
  • New dropdown langauge selector: We’ve been offering a language selector for ages. However, the old design was fairly barebones. It required lots of custom styling to make it fit your website. This month, we created a new version, one that looks a lot more modern.
  • View original on the Pages list: Let’s say you created a project for example.com. But you added a live staging domain, live.example.com and added multiple pages to the Pages list that are only available on live.example.com. If you right-clicked on one of these pages and chose the View original option, that would load example.com and likely navigate to a 404 Not found page. With the update released this month, in this scenario, you are asked which domain you’d like to visit.
  • Better Ignore queries: On the Project overview, under Crawl settings, there are two settings called Ignore queries and Group pages by ignoring query parameters. These used to be regular input fields where you’d enter a comma-separated list of values. However, this was cumbersome to use so we upgraded them to the same experience used under Advanced settingsProcess custom HTML attributes.
  • Improved bot handling: We extended the both list of good bots and bad bots based on empirical findings. We also improved the user interface when specifying the regular expression for bad bots.
  • New Content connector options: We added a new tweak to the Content connector settings called Don’t require full locale for translation. With this option enabled, short language codes, like de will be accepted when translating either de-DE or de-CH.


Now, for the list of fixes I mentioned in the introduction:

  • We fixed an issue where the sidebar language selector we provide wouldn’t fit on screen when there were too many target languages.
  • We fixed an issue caused by an edge case that prevented tokens used for the Dropbox integration from being refreshed automatically.
  • We fixed a bug where the cancellation time for cancelled crawls was displayed incorrectly.
  • We fixed the outdated link in the notification email we send when we are unsuccessful in charging your card for the whitelabel fee.
  • We fixed an error occurring when trying to create a new project without setting target languages.
  • Floating Action Buttons (or FABs for short) are the circular blue buttons we used to have all around the Dashboard. Unfortunately, their placement wasn’t consistent so they caused some confusion. We fixed this by redesigning them completely.
  • We fixed an issue where some notification emails were sent out despite the user not being subscribed to them. Now, if you unsubscribe, only those email notifications will be sent to you that belong to a process that you started.
  • We added some small fixes to the APT user interface.
  • We fixed error occurring when the whole project is translated with pseudo-translation.

How can we assist you?

We are happy to help with your questions and concerns about your website localization project.
Book a 30-minutes consultancy meeting with our experts and ask your questions!

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