
Bringing your new website live

Once all the text of a website is translated, the last step is to bring it alive, making it available on a pretty domain, other than the automatically generated one, such as You can go for registering real top level local domains for every country (such as,,, or you can use only one, and assign sub-domains to each language version (e.g., One way or the other, you have to register your domain with Google Apps (it’s free), just go to http://www.

11 SEO tips for website localization

When entering a new market where people speak a different language – you’ll need an SEO strategy to fully exploit market opportunities. The title of a research conducted by Common Sense Advisory tells it all: “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy…”, as the vast majority (85.3%) of respondents felt that having pre-purchase information in their own language is a critical factor in buying services.Most global digital agencies tell you that an SEO strategy should come first when designing a new website as SEO will affect site structure, content, design – the whole project.

Easyling at atc London

Last week we had a great opportunity to present Easyling’s website translation tool to the professional audience of the Association of Translation Companies. Let us share the presentation for those who saw it live and for those who could not be present this time. For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or visit Peter Farago, account manager Easyling / Skawa Ltd. +(36) 12345678 (really) click here to call us for free easyling.

London: a city of opportunities for us, too

London – the city has been in the foreground of public attention thanks to the 2012 Olympic Games. We have also followed this spectacular sports event and celebrated the successes, and while doing so, we couldn’t have surmised that London will play a very significant role in our lives, as well. On September 14 this year, we visit the annual conference of the Association of Translation Companies. And it is here, at this forum that we will be able to present the finished and ready-for-use version of our 1-click website translation tool Easyling.

Translation: opt-in for a booming sector

Did you know that the global market volume for outsourced translation services reaches USD 33 billion this year? A huge sum, which also proves that machine translation expands the demand for human translation. If you have ever tried to translate more than one word by machines accessible on the Internet, you’ll see the reason of this boom. Translation machines – especially the free ones – cannot correctly render more complex texts from one language to another.

Chinese is the most compact language

If only we could post in Chinese! According to a recent study, the same text can be up to 70 percent shorter in Chinese than in English. That is, we could share three to four times more info within – say – a Twitter post with you. Chinese is thus ideal for micro-blogging, as these texts tend to have a maximum expanse of 140 symbols. But don’t worry: we will not switch over to Chinese immediately, as we don’t speak this very particular language on a professional level.

Easyling set for Brussels

Ready, set, go - this time to one of the most important centers of the European Union, Brussels. That’s where the language technology industry organizes its LT-Innovate Summit tomorrow, on the 19th of June. Beside discussions on market trends and innovation opportunities, LT also grants awards for the most innovative language solution on show. The best presentations from each session will be selected to receive the LT-Innovate Award. This selection is made with an eye on innovation, business potential, team experience, investment or partnering interest, presentation and profile quality.

Global premiere for a global product: wanderings with Easyling

Almost five thousand miles (eight thousand kilometres): that’s how much business travel we have had in the recent few weeks in connection with Skawa. No matter how tiresome this period was, it was worth the effort: we gained a lot of encouragement and experiences. First in the line was The Next Web in Amsterdam, a huge conference on the future of web business, where start-ups like us also had a chance to present their products, developments.