Global premiere for a global product: wanderings with Easyling

This post has not been updated in a long time. The information may be out of date.

Almost five thousand miles (eight thousand kilometres): that’s how much business travel we have had in the recent few weeks in connection with Skawa. No matter how tiresome this period was, it was worth the effort: we gained a lot of encouragement and experiences.

The Next Web logo

First in the line was The Next Web in Amsterdam, a huge conference on the future of web business, where start-ups like us also had a chance to present their products, developments. A global conference of a booming sector as The Next Web was, the vast hall that used to be the headquarters of a gasworks was overcrowded. This was good news for us as we could meet lots of inquirers, potential clients and investors.Thanks to our success at the How-to-Web conference, we also had an exhibitor’s desk where we presented our most recent development, the website translation tool Easyling. We prepared a small add-on to the product: typing in the website address, Easyling immediately provides clients with an offer. This raised the attention of visitors, so now is the time to hope that there were many investors amongst the bunch of people who visited our desk. Also start-up peers were interested in this low-cost solution for making their websites multilingual. Peter Faragó

We also experienced a great failure, though: we couldn’t once get a hit at the game which could best be labelled “Where will the cow shit?”. Anyway, we compensated with a brief photo session at the premises.

Elia logo

A few days later, we were already dazzled by the sunshine in Madrid, heading for the European Language Industry Association’s gathering Networking Days. As can be guessed from the organizer’s name, this conference focused on the translation business, which was a golden opportunity for us to promote Easyling.

We are happy that the mainstream feedback we received from this rather professional public was that Easyling filled a niche on the market. There are no easy-to-use and reliable technical solutions for website translation. As a result, we were asked to keep quite a few webinars about the operation of Easyling in the following weeks. And we hope will we pick up the thread from here at ELIA’s next Networking Days in Budapest, at October 4 to 6.

Easyling CTO Balázs Benedek

Balázs Benedek, Easyling’s co-founder and CTO

Hungarian Kilgray’s international conference, MemoQFest in Budapest represented a rather similar atmosphere as the Networking Days. Here, we once again had to opportunity to present our results at an exhibitor’s desk, which earned us a trip to London to meet a leading British translation office. (See more images at )

With these unique experiences, we very much agree with Delicious-developer Chad Hurley, who – in his presentation at The Next Web – claimed: “it is the journey that matters, not the arrival”. Looking back to the past weeks and forward to the upcoming months, we are certain: our journey is just about to begin!

How can we assist you?

We are happy to help with your questions and concerns about your website localization project.
Book a 30-minutes consultancy meeting with our experts and ask your questions!

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